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Gina Jiang 江宜蓁 

Gina Jiang is a medical entrepreneur focused in integrating medical technologies to clinical solutions. Born in Taipei, Gina received her bachelor degree (Psychology, Mathematics) from University of Toronto and medical degree from Peking University. Gina was a research fellow at the NIAMS of National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, USA, where she was part of a cartilage tissue engineering team that generated several high impact scientific publications. In 2014, Gina was awarded a national fellowship (Stanford Taiwan Biomedical Fellowship) to Stanford School of Medicine, where she was trained to accelerate medical innovation through commercialization. During that period, Gina also actively engaged in more than 20 projects at Stanford, where she worked with multiple interdisciplinary teams to apply design thinking to solve complex problems various industries.  

江宜蓁出生於台北,畢業於加拿大多倫多大學 (Univeristy of Toronto)與北京大學醫學院,曾於美國國家衛生院(NIH)從事軟骨再生基礎研究及於北京大學附屬醫院接受臨床訓練。2014年獲選為台灣科技部 Stanford Taiwan Biodesign Fellow, 到史丹佛醫學院學習以商業模式,有效將研究成果運用到臨床。期間並於史丹佛設計學院 ( 修習設計思考,與醫院、高科技公司、政府組織等合作二十餘項專案。2017年和段岱佳創立丰聚醫創,秉持“以病人為中心”的醫療核心價值,結合醫療與科技,運用設計思考與科學分析驅動創新、開發健康管理策略、改造醫療文化。

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